Why I Love Warlords of Draenor Raiding Changes


Short describing why she enjoys Warlords of Draenor raiding changes. Her guild and her raiding user interface seen here.


Tis My New Warlords of Draenor Love

Hello, Ability Powered gamers! This expansion has brought a lot of changes to how I play World of Warcraft. I am an old school guild leader. I started my guild during the Burning Crusade (BC). Way back before the conveniences of Azeroth today. There was no group finder, no doing Looking For Raid for gear, and certainly no cross realm raiding. My guild was brought up in a time when the guild was what would make or break your experience outside of solo content.


I’m Gettin’ Too Old for This

It made us really tight knit and dependent on each other. It also turned me into Clint Eastwood. I was 100% against raiding with people not wearing my guild’s name proudly above their head. Why would I gear someone else’s team? If they want to raid so bad they can make the commitment! Am I wrong here? Am I? Yes, Short, you are.


Short details her reasons why Warlords of Draenor raiding changes are great. Clint Eastwood seen aiming a rifle here.


Separate, but United

Warlords of Draenor brought a lot of changes to Azeroth, but none as big as the current make up off my raid team. I average around 17 of the sweetest people I have met. They goof off with each other, they compete, and they are bonded to the team. This is the way my guild’s raid team has been since we first started raiding. This expansion’s big difference is that guild tag. No longer does my team proudly wear my guild’s name in unison. My team is currently spreading awesome across three different realms.




Thanks to Battle.net; flexible raid teams; and cross realm raiding, my little guild now has raid members that make our team more different than it has ever been before. We are thriving and growing weekly it feels like. We don’t all wear the same name, but we are definitely no less of a team.


What’s More in Store for Warlords of Draenor?

While Warlords of Draenor certainly had its share of questionable changes to Azeroth, the current raid environment is something I tip my hat to. I have seats that I can offer to friends or my guildies. I can communicate with new raiders on the messager any time I need to contact them. I don’t have to worry about recruitment on a realm with a dead recruitment pool. For once I can embrace a big change to my raid teams make up. Now, get off my lawn!

Not only can you tell me why you love Warlords of Draenor’s new raiding changes in the comments below, you can find more of mine at our Opinion column!


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